Oct 6, 2009

Vitamins And Minerals For The Body's Metabolism

To maintain health we need adequate Vitamins our bodies, for that we need foods that have good vitamins such as fruits also contain carbohydrate foods like bread and hamburgers, if you eat a balanced with a menu that is going to wake up your metabolism.

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that are required not for their calorific value, which is negligible, but because they help regulate the body's metabolism. All vitamins and essential minerals are necessary to assist in normal functioning of the thousands of diffent chemical reactions that make up the body's metabolism.

If the supply of vitamins and minerals in the diet is inadequante, this will result in changes in body chemistry, and a slowing down or altering of body's metabolism, usually with some deterioration in body fitness or health.

Vitamins and minerals often work together in this respeck, and some are necessary for normak energy production, the use of protein in growth and tissue repair, and in many other functions, ranging from hormone production to effects on skin quality. Additionally, some minerals, particularly calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, are necessary with certain types of protein for the formation of the skeleton.

Fibre is specialiased from of complex carbohydrate, which cannot be broken down by the normal human digestive system. It thus becomes a major constituent of the waste product, faeces. Diets high in fibre are often high-fibre diet is an important part of a weigh-reduction programme.

Vegetarian diets are becoming increasingly popular, and indeed can be very healthy. By defination, vegetarians do not eat meat of fish, but may include eggs and dairy products-milk, cheese, butter and so on. Strict vegetarians who avoid even these are called vegans. The main difficulty with vegetarian diets is ensuring a good intake of protein and nutrients such as iron and zinc that are found in protein-rich foods.

Meat and fish, as well as eggs and dairy products, provide a balances of amino acids, the essential components of proteins. Plant foods do not, and this can only be achieved by combing two or three different plant foods in the diet, and preferably at each meal. Farticularly good combinations are:

.rice, with legumes, sesame or cheese
.wheat or rye with legumes
.wheat with mixed nuts and milk
.wheat with sesame and soy bean check for wheat alternative
.corn with legumes
.mixed nuts with sunflower seeds

The most protein-rich members of the legume family are in declining order: Mung beans, red kidney beans, haricot beans, butter beans, chick-peas, red pigeon beans, lentils, peas-fresh or frozen, And split peas.

Adding half to one paint of milk a day, and one egg a day, to a vegetarian diet generally increases its protein content and makes it easier to achieve a balances using plant proteins.

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